May 01, 2011

Beverly Wilshire FAQs

Q: Where is the Beverly Wilshire?

A: In the heart of Beverly Hills, CA, the Beverly Wilshire – A Four Seasons Hotel (on the National Register of Historical Places) is located at: 9500 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, California 90212. Ph: (310) 275-5200

Click here for directions.



Q: Where do I park?

A: The Beverly Wilshire offers valet parking ($18.00) per vehicle. Valet offers guests close proximity to the entrance to the private salon where the show is presented.



Q: Is there wheelchair access to the hotel and to the show?

A: YES. The show’s hostess will accommodate you and your needs as best she can.



Q: Can I buy tickets to Intimate Illusions at the hotel?

A: NO. Tickets must be purchased here or by calling:

Toll Free 1-866-811-4111.